Realistic Snacks I Give My 1.5 Year Old
the snack list
With social media nowadays, the pressure to give only the healthiest, organic, natural snacks is so high. Although I would absolutely love to give my daughter only the best, let’s be real… we all stray from the “perfect” mom image. I wanted to shed light on what I actually give my daughter to eat during snack time to give an honest look into our lives!
Plum organics teensy snacks
These are my daughters absolute favorite. She goes nuts for these and will scarf a whole pouch down in less than 30 seconds. I try not to give it to her too often but these are honestly really tasty snacks and I’ll eat them too haha
plum organics morning bar
These are great snacks for her to eat in the car. It doesn’t get too messy since they’re soft and she enjoys being able to hold them and eat them on her own without my regulation. I will also sneak some of these to eat on my own! They’re delicious.
fresh bellies freeze dried strawberries
Honestly, these are a bit pricey but one bag will last a few days! my daughter has been really into super crunchy textures so these are a great alternative to chips. The size is nice as well to help prevent her from stuffing her face with it.
happy baby snackers
These are also my husband’s favorite snacks haha. My daughter loves to grab the whole tub and snack away. These do go stale pretty fast so make sure to portion them out in ziploc bags to keep it fresh as long as possible!
happy tot pouches
So my daughter has to be in the mood for one of these. During months 12-18 she went nuts for these but now has lost the novelty of it. She still enjoys it but if there is a better option available, she will choose that instead. Overall, she still takes these once in a while.
gerber yogurt melts
Another snack my daughter will absolutely just inhale if I wasn’t looking. She could probably eat the entire box in one sitting if I let her. She loves the crunchy texture to these and will beg me to give some to her whenever she sees them!
Coupled with fresh fruits and veggies, these basically summarize the snacks available to her on the daily. She has a snack drawer that she has constant access to, so she’s able to pull anything out during the day and feed herself. I believe because there’s no strict regulation on the snacks, she doesn’t gorge herself on it all the time. She pretty much sticks to the schedule and has a snack twice a day around 10am and 3pm in between meals. Hope this list helps and gives you a realistic idea of what my daughter eats during the day!